WordPress site significantly supercharged with LITESPEED Cache⁉️ Plugin Overview and Optimization Guide


WordPress site significantly supercharged with LITESPEED Cache⁉️ Plugin Overview and Optimization Guide

The article on Hostinger provides an in-depth guide on how to optimize WordPress websites using the LiteSpeed Cache plugin to achieve perfect scores on PageSpeed Insights and GTmetrix. Here’s a summary of the key points:


  • Website speed is crucial for SEO and user experience.
  • The LiteSpeed Cache plugin can significantly improve website performance by caching content and optimizing various elements.

LiteSpeed Overview

  • LiteSpeed is a web server software designed to enhance website performance.
  • It supports .htaccess and works with popular hosting control panels.
  • Two versions: LiteSpeed Enterprise (for multiple websites) and OpenLiteSpeed (open-source, for individual websites).

LiteSpeed Cache Plugin

  • Optimizes dynamic content and is available for multiple platforms, including WordPress.
  • Caching reduces server load and speeds up page delivery.
  • Server-level caching requires LiteSpeed server, but optimization features work with any server.

Performance Testing

  • Before and after LiteSpeed Cache configuration, websites showed significant improvements in PageSpeed and GTmetrix scores.


  • Pre-installed on Hostinger accounts.
  • For other hosts, install via WordPress admin dashboard by searching for “LiteSpeed Cache.”


  • General Settings: Enable automatic updates, request domain key for QUIC.cloud features, enable guest mode for faster initial loading.
  • Cache Settings: Enable caching for various elements (e.g., login pages, REST API), but disable caching for logged-in users and commenters to save resources.
  • Optimization Profiles: Hostinger users can apply pre-configured profiles (Basic, Advanced, Aggressive) for easy optimization.

Page and Image Optimization

  • Image Optimization: Resize and optimize images, create WebP versions, and manage backups.
  • Page Optimization: Minify and combine CSS/JS, load elements asynchronously, and optimize HTML settings.

QUIC.cloud CDN Setup (Optional)

  • Set up Cloudflare for static content and QUIC.cloud for dynamic content.
  • Link your domain to QUIC.cloud and configure DNS settings.

Additional Features

  • Database Optimization: Clear old revisions and manage database efficiently.
  • Crawler: Refreshes expired pages to ensure visitors see cached content.
  • Toolbox: Advanced cache management tools, including purging specific content and editing .htaccess.
LiteSpeed Cache Plugin Overview and Optimization Guide conclusion


  • LiteSpeed Cache is a powerful tool for improving WordPress performance.
  • Default settings are generally sufficient, but advanced users can tweak settings for optimal results.


  • LiteSpeed Cache is free and highly recommended for its extensive settings and server-level caching capabilities.

By following this guide, website owners can significantly enhance their WordPress site’s speed and performance using the LiteSpeed Cache plugin.

Please check more detail and test results on Hostinger Post

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